In the February issue meet Plymouth police's canine unit.
In the February issue meet Plymouth police's canine unit.
Rachel Hall’s passion for photography was ignited by the camera that her husband bought her as a Christmas gift. After initially taking pictures at boys’ baseball games, her interest shifted to birds and landscapes.
Why have just one meal when you can try a bit of everything by sharing? Two local restaurants offer their take on a spread for four that’s meant to be shared or served family style. Here are some tasty-sounding meal ideas that start with appetizers and end with delicious desserts.
For those who are interested in exploring the delight of skiing and developing it into a lifelong sport, it is not too late to join a class at the SnowSports Academy at Elm Creek Park Reserve this month. The academy offers ski lessons for all skill levels, and adults and children.
It’s hard to figure out what’s happening from afar, but several police vehicles are at a Plymouth gas station investigating a group of three suspects—they had tried to use a credit card several times there that day.
Anyone who has endured the loss of a son or daughter can attest that it’s a journey of grief that lasts a lifetime. Though the initial shock may fade, the longing and missing remain, and learning how to navigate life in the wake of a child’s death is completely uncharted territory.
Escape rooms appear to be popping up throughout the area and Plymouth residents don’t need to go far to try one out.
When it comes to children’s at-home safety, the city of Plymouth is proud to offer a meaningful service.
Life has changed dramatically since Plymouth resident Bella Andrade received an assistance dog from Can Do Canines last fall.
Investing in classes benefits pets and their owners.
Training builds positive behaviors while creating a trusting bond with your dog. This can help foster a special relationship throughout your years together. Here are some classes available in the area:
There are a full range of services when it comes to pet grooming—from a basic trim to hand stripping and full bath—that will leave a pet feeling pampered.
A Plymouth-based nonprofit is training and providing what founder Lisa Burkett describes as “service dog assisted therapy” for local therapists working with those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.